This story was written by Carmela's rescuer.
My little cat Fiona (Carmela) has died. When I adopted her in September, she was taking thyroid medication. In November, she began showing signs of kidney failure. She was being treated for both conditions and was doing well.
In late April, she suddenly developed a swollen belly. Her vet did lab work which indicated probable cancer. An ultrasound the next day confirmed a diagnosis of liver cancer with tiny seed cancers around the area. She was given treatment to alleviate the swollen belly and I took her home.
We had ten very special days together. She loved to sleep with me, but always had difficulty jumping up onto my bed. Wanting our remaining time to be special, I put a mattress down on the living room floor. She was thrilled with her new bed. We spent every night sleeping side by side. I would sometimes wake up to find her standing by my head, staring into my face. Other times she would reach out with her front paws and gently knead my arm.
The first few days at home, she was her normal self. Then she began to grow weaker and spend more time sleeping. A day before her death, she stopped eating. This was a sign the end was near. She never seemed to be in pain. On Sunday, May 2, I knew it was time to let her go. Our vet was kind enough to meet us at the closed clinic. Fiona (Carmela) died peacefully in my arms.
In September, I decided I wanted to adopt a special needs cat. When I saw her photos and video on your website, I knew immediately we were meant to be together. From the moment you brought her to my home, she held a special place in my heart. I loved her very much, and I'm sad that we had such a short time. She brought me great joy and I know she felt loved.